Sunil Grover's enchanting Goregaon home unfolds a tale of whimsy and elegance in every corner. Upon entering, the warm embrace of wood accents greets visitors, and the double-height space with floor-to-ceiling windows bathes the room in abundant natural light, creating an inviting ambience.
A highlight of the space is the hand-painted murals adorning one wall, and a peculiar wooden dining table cleverly arranged to evoke a charming "Mama Bear, Papa Bear, and Baby Bear" seating sensation—an intriguing and delightful detail.
The balcony offers Sunil a perch to reflect on his former residences, witnessing chapters of his life etched in brick and mortar against the ever-changing Mumbai skyline. During the rains, the view transforms into a magical spectacle with raindrops creating a shimmering tapestry below.
Strategically positioned, the kitchen provides an unobstructed view of the balcony, seamlessly connecting with the outdoors. A theatre, reminiscent of his recording days, serves as a haven for Sunil's thoughts and scripts. Other than that the mezzanine acts as his command center, where ideas take flight, and a captivating artwork which is the tree of Life, which graces a wall, sparking conversations.
Every nook and cranny in this home, from the jersey gifted by Sachin Tendulkar to intricate details and artifacts, tells a story, creating a timeless dialogue between the past and present in a place where Sunil Grover's multifaceted talents and personal narrative thrive.