

Waterproofing solutions

Bathroom waterproofing

Why to waterproof window in shower?

Waterproofing is extremely crucial during home construction and even during renovation. Thoroughly waterproofing your home can help prevent the risk of every water-related problem, from minor leaks to much bigger problems like flooding. Both moisture and humidity can easily enter your home's interior if there is improper or no waterproofing. Protecting your home with waterproofing creates a shield against leaks, seepage, cracks, and dampness.

Windows are essentially designed to withstand humidity and moisture. This, however, is only the case for the exterior side. The window interiors are not intended for water resistance. If your shower has a window, unattended moisture can result in serious, expensive damage A waterproof window, along with proper bathroom waterproofing , becomes an essential element for your shower, this article gives you eight ways to do so. Without any further ado, let’s get to learning.

8 ways to waterproof your window in the shower

A waterproof window in the shower can protect your interior from potential water-related damage. Let’s learn how.

  1. Use waterproof bathroom window curtains.
  2. Adding a waterproof curtain for shower window from the inside is probably the fastest and most inexpensive way to prevent water from getting to your window. Placing a waterproof curtain for shower window not only protects the window from direct water exposure but also keeps the abundant natural light from coming in, softening the vibes inside your bathroom. While a shower rod is one of the most important things to hang up the waterproof curtain for shower window, it is extremely crucial to pick the right material. You must either opt for plastic curtains, as plastic is the best waterproof bathroom window curtains material or you can choose nylon products, as these are also waterproof. These materials can be a great option for a waterproof shower window cover.

  3. To waterproof window shower, replace the sill with sloping-down tile.
  4. Any flat surface in the shower can end up accumulating water. Besides drains, sills tend to accumulate water over time, causing the growth of mould and even damaging the woodwork over time. The best way to get yourself a waterproof window shower would be to replace the existing window sill with a sloped one. Doing so will help promote drainage. Another problem with the window sill is that if the shower is placed near the window, keeping it dry can become a burdensome task; hence, it is best suggested to replace the wooden ledge with a tiled, pitched sill.

  5. Take advantage of the properties of vinyl for a waterproof window.
    • • Replace the window itself with a vinyl-clad window.
    • • Install a vinyl tarpaulin for a waterproof shower window cover. Such a waterproof shower window cover can prove to be a great alternative to window curtains or blinds.
  6. Wooden jambs can provide great support for the windows but are not an ideal option, especially if the shower is fitted closer to the window. Vinyl, on the other hand, is a dependable waterproof window material because it is water-resistant. You can use vinyl in two ways for a waterproof window:

  7. Waterproof window using a good silicone caulk
  8. A silicon caulk is a sealant usually placed between the window and the wooden frame to prevent both air and moisture from getting into the surface. Traditionally, tiled bathrooms contain cement boards for protection from dampness; hence, it is important to level this cement board with the window before placing the silicon caulk. Don’t forget to check the area annually to look for any potential damage to joints and grout.

  9. Install waterproof blinds for bathroom window.
  10. Using bathroom waterproof blinds is a great alternative to using waterproof bathroom window curtains. Vinyl is the perfect waterproof material for bathroom waterproof blinds. These require minimal care and can provide a perfect short-term fix for bathroom waterproofing. To install waterproof blinds for shower window, you will need a diamond drill bit for mounting the blinds. You can also attach the waterproof blinds for shower window along the grout lines to attach the curtain to the tiles.

  11. Install glass blocks for a waterproof window.
  12. Natural light in the bathroom can not only help save energy but also be easy on the eyes in the morning. Replacing the existing window with glass blocks can help provide diffused light, which is comforting and soothing. Glass blocks can also prove to be great waterproof shades for shower window as they offer privacy as well as moisture resistance. When installing waterproof shades for shower window with glass blocks, it is important to remember to seal the spaces with glass block mortar. This is done to waterproof the joints between the glass blocks.

  13. Pick a solid surface material for a waterproof window.
  14. Tiled sills are a great pick for bathrooms; however, it is best to opt for solid tile surfaces. This is because a tile sill typically comes with several grouted seams, which may collect moisture in the long run. With a solid surface, water will easily run and drip to the floor instead of getting stuck on the lines.

  15. Close up the window itself!
  16. Entirely removing the window and closing up the space would be your last resort when none of the waterproofing solutions are working for you. This is not only a longer process but may also turn out to be expensive. However, if you have finally decided to close up the space, you can begin the process by removing the tiled wall along with the window, frame, and trim and removing any mouldy accumulation along the way. Remove all the wall studs and look for any potential damages. Install new wall studs and make sure to use a proper insulation barrier. Use a cement board or drywall inside before placing the exterior side.



Asian Paints SmartCare Solutions for a Waterproof Window

Now that you have learned different ways to waterproof your shower windows, you will need the right waterproofing products  and maybe seek assistance from waterproofing services. This is when Asian Paints SmartCare Waterproofing Solutions comes to your rescue. With impeccable services, we also offer you efficient products like White Multipurpose Tile Adhesive, Tile Grout – Epoxy Based, Bathroom Waterproofing Membrane, and more. Book an appointment now!


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