House painting
House wall painting
Painting your house is a quick way to transform your space from mundane to inspiring. Home interior painting brightens the interiors and welcomes new energy to your home. Interestingly, the market offers a vast range of paint colours to suit individual styles, giving home painters many options to choose from.
Before you make a statement with some splash of colour through home painting, here are the top five things you should consider before painting your house.
Discolouration of walls over time is inevitable, and it could also be one of the reasons for you to consider painting your walls. Take care to clean the walls properly before applying the paint. Shift the furniture and decorative material in a separate room to make painting work easier.
Choose your paints carefully as not all brands offer paints that perform in high or low temperatures. Although most paints have weather-resistant properties, it is better to choose a day that is not too hot or cold to carry out the job. Also, be mindful while painting the house exteriors in the rainy season. You do not want the rain to mess up the fabulous colour.
A good primer ensures adhesion of the paint accurately to the wall, adds additional protection and increases durability. In addition, it fills the holes and cracks and acts as a solid base for the painting work.
Focus on the quality of the product rather than the price tag. You wouldn’t want to invest in a brush that leaves stroke marks or a paint that wears out in a few days. For example, a quality product might cost more but sustain for longer than a cheaper alternative that might need a repaint within a year. Opting for the right tools can be a game-changer for home painting.
Always paint your walls from top to bottom. A good tip for home painters is to start from the ceiling and then paint the bottom. Paint from one wet surface to another to avoid lap patches. If this is not possible, paint on a previously painted or dried surface. Moreover, use a roller after brushing for a smooth flat surface.
Painting the house calls for immense patience. Watching one coat dry is a tiresome process. One might feel like jumping to another coat when the first coat has not dried off properly. Instead, give the first coat the desired time (usually mentioned on the paint package) to dry and avoid any mishaps in the final finish.
Home interior painting can be a fruitful experience if you are skilled and avail plenty of time. However, if you do not want to run the risk of overestimating your DIY project, then a professional paint service would be the best option! Safe Painting Service is a dealer-led painting service by Asian Paints that ensures a safe and confident outcome.
Asian Paints acts as a facilitator between customers and professional contractors. The service ensures that customers get personalised assistance with the overall painting service right from colour consultation and details on mechanised tools along with advisory on stringent safety protocols with original Asian Paints products for a smooth painting experience.
Considering getting your house painted? Keep this checklist handy for your next project and get the best results from your paint!
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