
FAQs - Shades

Frequently asked question on shades

How do I pick paint colours for my home interiors?

Asian Paints offers colour combination books which help in selecting colours for home based on spaces & type of interior. One can also visit the nearest experience store in their city to meet a colour expert who can give customized solutions.

Visit the colour catalogue for a digital visualization of colours in interiors.

What are some Indian colours that I can select from my home?

“Colours of India” range from the Colour Cosmos fandeck offers an eclectic palette of Indian origin. They are colours that we in India experience around us in art, culture, festivals and celebrations.

Some popular shades from that collection are Dhoop, Dhaani, Haryali, Gulbakshi, Neelkanth & Aalta.

How do I select colour combinations for my home?

On the Asian Paints website, you can visit the colour catalogue section and upon selecting a shade, three combination options are recommended for every shade. Asian Paints also offers various services like Colour consultancy online, Whatsapp visualizer & country-wide select retail stores that offers in person colour consultation. You can ask the nearest paint dealer to provide with colour combination books for your geographical region which offers regional colour combinations. Asian Paints Colour book is available with our painting service team (APEHS) which not just gives you colour combination but also décor ideas and tips for your home.

What are the latest colour trends?

Every year Asian Paints announces its annual colour forecast for home interiors & spaces. The trends are an output of 6 months long research & observation of socio-cultural changes in India. More details about the trends for the year can be found at

What is the Colour of The Year for 2020 by Asian Paints?

Retro Blue-N is announced as Colour of the year for 2020 by Asian Paints. The shade is representative of the larger mood of Curiosity & Progression. More details about the Colour of the year can be found at

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