
Developing Sustainable Products and Solutions

Some of the key highlights of our initiatives taken to provide greener products are:

The company voluntarily removed toxic lead from decorative paints in 2008 that is well ahead of regulation in India (2016)

All manufacturing units of APL are zero liquid discharge plants. The company has replenished more water than what is consumed – 185% in FY 20-21 and 158% in FY 19-20

Royale Aspira, Ultima Protek and Protek Base coats are the only products in India that are GS-11 certified (One of the renowned global certification for performance and greenness of paints)

By 2020, Asian Paints has reduced 23.7 million kilograms of volatile organic compounds from paint (vs. 2011 baseline)

Launched products like Royale Health Shied which are trend setters in India for health, hygiene and air quality in indoor environment.

57% of the electricity consumed by Asian Paints comes from renewable energy sources (in FY 20-21)

By 2020, the company reduced 38% of specific electricity consumption by optimizing manufacturing process and implementing latest processing technologies (vs. 2013-14 baseline)

Through multiple focussed efforts, the company has so far achieved a product carbon footprint reduction of 65000 MT CO2e (vs. 2013-14 baseline)

Contractor Meet & Greet

Training contractors and creating awareness around the green solutions and best practices for providing sustainable solutions.


Contractor Meet in Baramulla- 1


Contractor Meet in Baramulla- 2


Contractor Meet in Vijaywada

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