
Waterproofing solutions

waterproofing method

How to Choose the Best Waterproofing Method for Your Home

Choose the Right Waterproofing Method for Your Home

The waterproofing method is the process of making a structure or material resist the water, preventing it from being damaged or weakened by exposure to moisture. It is also known as modern waterproofing techniques for houses.  Many modern waterproofing techniques are still based on the traditional method, but now it has evolved into new waterproofing techniques.

Waterproofing can be done in many ways depending on the material or the structure that is being protected. For example, Waterproofing solutions can be applied to the walls or the roof of the house to resist the water from entering using various types of coats that can be done externally and internally as well such as polyurea coating, acrylic coating, and elastomeric coating. Different waterproofing methods have varying degrees of effectiveness and durability so it's important to choose the right one for your house.

Waterproofing methods to protect against water damage – Asian Paints

What is waterproofing?

Waterproofing is a process to protect your structure or material from water and resist it from entering or damaging the structure of a building, house, or any construction. This damage can affect problems such as dampness, molding, or chances of getting rotten up.

Indian Waterproofing method is developed over the centuries to protect structures from water. The effectiveness of the Indian waterproofing method is particularly important in states like Assam, and Kerla which get high levels of perception of rain and humidity as well. Some of the traditional Indian waterproofing methods include the use of lime plaster, bamboo mats, and terracotta tiles. Many modern waterproofing techniques are still based on the traditional method, but now it has evolved into new waterproofing techniques.

There are different waterproofing methods used for resistance, and the best waterproofing method depends on the type of structure or material being waterproofed, as well as the specific application. 

Waterproofing with cement polymer coating – Asian Paints

Types of Waterproofing methods

1. External Waterproofing:-

a. Fluid Applied Membranes

(FAM) is a type of liquid waterproofing membrane method that is applied to the surface in liquid form and then cures them into a seamless and monolithic membrane. This membrane includes polyurethane, acrylic, epoxy, and silicone

b. Acrylic Coating

Acrylic Coating is made of acrylic resin so it is used on the external surface of the structure or the construction. These surfaces include roofs, walls, and concrete surfaces. Smartcare damp proof cures and create a robust and continuous membrane that provides long-lasting waterproofing dampness.

Polyurea Coating

Polyurea Coating is also known as a protective coating because when it is applied to the surface in liquid form, it turns quickly into a tough, durable, and flexible membrane.

2. Internal Waterproofing:-

a. Cementitious Waterproofing

Cementitious Waterproofing Method is often times used in basements, pool areas, and water tanks. Cementitious Waterproofing Method is a general mixture of blend of cement, sand, polymer, and waterproofing agent.

b. Crystalline waterproofing

Crystalline Waterproofing Method is often used in the construction where concrete is exposed to water, such as in basements, tunnels, and underground constructions. Crystalline Waterproofing Method involves the use of chemical that creates a permanent barrier for water resistance. Asian Paints smartcare hydroloc offers guaranteed interior leakage-free waterproofing solutions for homes for 3 years.

c. Bituminous waterproofing

This type of coating is made up of a sticky, black, highly viscous liquid, bitumen, and solvents. The bituminous waterproofing method is commonly used for coating flat roofs, foundation walls, and concrete surfaces.

d. Elastomeric coatings

Elastomeric Coating is highly flexible and able to stretch and contract with the movement of a structure or building. Such type of coating is often used on masonry, concrete, and stucco surfaces to provide protection against water and weather damage.

Expert Advice:-

Asian Paints SmartCare Damp Sheath Exterior is a waterproofing coating designed for exterior horizontal surfaces such as terraces and parapets. It can also be used as a waterproofing basecoat for Asian Paints Exterior Emulsion coatings on vertical walls.

Which are the Best waterproofing techniques right for your place?

The best waterproofing techniques for your place totally depend on a number of factors, including the climate you live in. 

1. Hot and humid climate

It is important to choose a climate that is resistant to high temperatures and moisture. Elastomeric Coating is highly flexible and can expand and the contract can be the best option to go for, and additionally, Bituminous waterproofing can be effective in these climates.

2. Cold and wet climate

It is important to choose waterproofing that protects the house from freezing high temperatures and heavy rainfall. Cementitious waterproofing and crystalline waterproofing can be good options, as the chemical reaction that creates the waterproofing barrier is not affected by temperature changes.

3. Coastal Climate

Choosing waterproofing that can withstand salt water and salt spray which can be highly corrosive. Polyurea Coating and Fluid Applied Membranes can be good options to stay safe from chemical and UV damage.

4. Arid and desert climate

Places where there is high temperature and low humidity, it is necessary to go for such waterproofing that can withstand such situations. Bituminous waterproofing and elastomeric coatings can be good options.


Asian Paints at your service!

As it is important to ask for expert advice to determine the best waterproofing techniques for your specific needs and conditions. Asian Paints got your back.


Beautiful homes, a service offered by Asian paint not only will keep your house decored but also can assist you to stay strong with appropriate waterproofing methods for your home. We also provide a variety of high-quality waterproofing products, such as SmartCare Damp Proof, SmartCare Crack Seal, and SmartCare Terrace Tile Adhesive, to meet your waterproofing needs. Beautiful Homes provides waterproofing services in various cities across India, including Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, and Chennai.


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